Sofia Rupp Hernandez
Mission Statement
The first and foremost goal of the work I do and the books I write is CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANSION.
Transmuting the taboos around death is paramount for humanity to go forward now in this paradigm shift towards a compassionate society, understanding death in order to live life respectfully and return to a natural balance.
My strength is the ability to see the Higher Perspective in all things, a perspective that often coincides with how animals see it, and what most certainly is the perspective of all Souls, no matter in what type of body they are incarnated.
Through Channeling and Animal Communication I easily reach those Souls. Trainings like "Soul Body Fusion®" and the shamanic technique of Soul Retrieval help me to move comfortably in the subtle realm of Souls.
My training as an "End-of-Life Pet Doula" at UNE (University of New England) gives me tools to ease the pain and grief of those staying behind, helping to deal with and express their mourning for their loved ones.
All my experiences come together at your service in Soul Communications